Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Rocky Ford: Restoring the Brand

Every brand project will have a history and it’s important that the designer understands a brand’s origin. It could be created from an acquisition, a merger, the result of a rebrand or a new addition to a family of brands. First Rocky Ford needs to know their origins, and from there, rebuild. They need to improve and update their systems so incidents such as poisonous break-outs do not occur again. Most people forget about subjects like these in the next week or so, but not the media because everything is reported, recorded, and documented. Rock Ford needs approach their customers with their deepest apologies. Sending out personal letters with special coupons or even a free fresh sample of their product would allow the customer to trust the brand once again. Have public relations post on social media and frequently read newsprints about how Rocky Ford has relocated to a new and improved factory with "state-of-the-art" equipment. Many businesses are happy to sell known products to people they already do business with, and there are examples of companies who have essentially done this for hundreds of years (some banks and brewers, for example). But sometimes the ‘low risk’ strategy hampers growth and innovation. Once people begin buying, now change things up. Rock Ford might want to grown honeydew melons near their cantaloupes and sell them. What the must realize is they can only do so much innovating because they are known only for their cantaloupes. if all else fails, they can rename themselves and start a new reputation in the farming industry.  “You can only grow so much within a known market”

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